
Why Rusev Hasn’t Been On WWE! BIG TNA Impact Wrestling Mistake! | WrestleTalk News May 2017

2019-02-26 19 Dailymotion

Why Rusev hasn't been on WWE, big TNA Impact Wrestling mistake and more in this WrestleTalk News May 2017...
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Goldust Remember The Fallen tweet - https://twitter.com/Goldust/status/869047427734679552

R-Truth reply to Goldust - https://twitter.com/RonKillings/status/869082053416976384

Braun Strowman Instagram post - https://www.instagram.com/p/BUqgLI-g5ii/?taken-by=braunstrowman.wwe&hl=en

Why Rusev hasn’t been on WWE and WWE ‘slow booking’ phase, via Wrestling Observer Newsletter - http://members.f4wonline.com/wrestling-observer-newsletter/may-29-2017-wrestling-observer-newsletter-wwe-weekend-show-reviews

Spike UK apologise about playing old TNA Impact Wrestling episode by mistake on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SpikeTVUK/status/868733203158269953

Spike UK tweet TNA Impact Wrestling double bill - https://twitter.com/SpikeTVUK/status/868754376193716224

Scott Steiner returns to TNA Impact Wrestling, via Twitter - https://twitter.com/IMPACTWRESTLING/status/868466840623697921

Impact Wrestling tapings in India, via F4WOnline - http://www.f4wonline.com/daily-updates/daily-update-frank-deford-passes-away-raw-ratings-impact-india-236336

Ring of Honor sign deal with DSPORT in India, via WrestleZone - http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/844043-brand-new-network-acquires-distribution-rights-to-bring-ring-of-honor-television-to-india

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